This I know about you and me
Some things I take on faith. But this I can vouch for personally.
When I write about these changing times, this sacred but messy rebirth into life as it was always meant to be, most of what I say to you comes from my own direct experience.
That’s because I prefer to report to you the very real, tangible effects of what I’ve felt, seen or capital ‘K’ Known, as it has shown up in my own life. As opposed to just repeating stuff that other people have said is true. Nothing at all wrong with that—but me, I like to know the firsthand reality of it in my bones, if I’m going to talk about divine truth.
Yet having said all that, I too, sometimes rely on trusted others for certain kinds of information. And I’m telling you all this, because it’s good (especially these days) to be clear on where information is sourced from, and why.
I rely on certain types of ‘outside’ information because the larger context of this epic transition time is too big—at least right now—for me to know it firsthand. I don’t yet possess the unlimited Big Picture. (Or if I do, I haven’t figured out how to access it.)
I rely on these trusted others for information about celestial and planetary shifts; for insight into the ever-rising frequency trajectory of the human race. The really big stuff.
So although most of what I write does indeed originate from my own direct experience, I’m able, thanks to this borrowed intel, to then place that within the broader context of these times, as provided to me by those Big Picture others.
What follows is a firsthand reminder of your own infinite greatness and mine, plucked from my own repository of experience. And then we’ll place that reminder within the larger contextual fabric of what’s really going on, on planet earth right now.
This I know: What you are beneath the veil
The following is a peculiar episode that took place several years ago. I’ve never spoken of it, but it’s worth talking about now because it gives an interesting clue as to the real nature of the veil (as well as our own true nature).
Very late one night I was lying in bed. As you do. For hours, my mind had been a chaotic whirl of disjointed thoughts and imagery; loads of mental gibberish about nothing in particular, all of it suspended in that liminal space between not-exactly-wakefulness and not-really-sleeping.
I was lying on my side, half of my face nestled on the pillow. Suddenly a pair of unseen hands cradled both sides of my head—(!)—(which definitely woke me right up) and all mental activity stopped. I mean ALL mental activity, not just the chaotic noise.
Instantly I was flooded with infinite stillness and ineffable peace.
Blessed relief.
This sacred, silent ocean of peace stayed with me the rest of the night.
And in that spacious hush of limitless peace? It’s a bandwidth that includes, among other things, oneness with all that is. Which means you’re there too.
This I know.
Who can say what actually prompted that intervention. Maybe I was like that noisy nextdoor apartment neighbor whose TV keeps going all night long, and this was a way to get me to shut up. Or maybe it was done as a kindness. I’ve no idea.
But either way, let’s look a little more closely at what actually happened there.
The unseen being, whoever or whatever it was, did not GIVE ME peace. It did not GIVE ME stillness, or a gateway to the reality of sublime oneness. That really isn’t how it works.
The peace was my own. My own true divine identity (and yours)—always present, always live, always fully able to be seen and known—minus the cacophony of the veil. The hands simply shut off the veil.
So…that much was pretty cool, right? But here’s the interesting part.
When the hands touched my head, the sensation was exactly as if this being had suddenly hit the off button on the TV remote.
In fact, the abrupt activation of that ‘kill switch,’ brought with it a fleeting recognition that the veil itself is some kind of program. Like maybe the noisy TV analogy is not so far removed from the truth after all.
I say that because, in that moment of sudden spacious clarity, I recognized that the veil program felt distinctly…synthetic. That it did not feel like anything found in the natural world.
Moreover, it was extremely clear that the veil—meaning, in this case, my thoughts, emotions, beliefs, historical baggage and everything else I’d ever understood as ‘myself’—was not part of me.
Nor is it part of you.
The veil, the ego, the small self or whatever you want to call it, is just the interference programming that obscures the divine peace, the sacred stillness, the pristine oneness that you already are.
This I know.
A broader context
I’ve been saying it for years, now: The earth’s frequencies and our own are inexorably rising higher than ever before. This is due, at least in part, to celestial influences—the movements of stars, planets, that sort of thing.
I’m not a follower of astrology (nor are those trusted sources to whom I look for intel on the physical universe), but the undeniable electromagnetic changes caused by these relational celestial movements do indeed have profound effects on the earth, and all who call this planet home.
So this universal movement is partly what’s behind the shift from our current world, into what I’ve been calling a world made of love. As frequencies rise, the light grows stronger; consequently, there’s nowhere for secrets, and shadows, and lower-frequency creations to hide.
This recent en-lightening of the planet is actually a very gradual process, from what I gather, that’s been going on for several decades at least. Looking back, I’m guessing it only began to be felt by human beings sometime in the 1960s. (Who knew that ‘This is the dawning of the age of aquarius,’ was not just a song lyric, but an actual report on the turning of a celestial age. Well, I guess some people obviously did.)
Anyway, the en-lightening process has steadily gained momentum (despite all attempts to co-opt or suppress it) and these days its progress is more exponential than gradual. People are waking up all over the planet, as is the earth itself.
It’s very hard sometimes to see evidence of it, I know, because of all the endless fear-based noise aimed at you from every direction. A constant drumbeat, telling you who to hate, and what to be terrified of. But for many, these distractions aren’t working so well anymore.
And that is most likely due to the shredding of the inner veil, which (as I’ve said many times before) no longer has any structural integrity. Whatever it’s actually made out of, the veil itself is falling apart.
The veil feels like it’s still as strong as ever, in its ability to present to each of us a distorted and painfully limited view of self and world. But that’s just our own deep conditioning that makes us return to it again and again.
The veil itself no longer holds any actual power to pull us in, or pin us down. And it also no longer has any real ability to block our pristine, limitless divinity from our own awareness. Or so I’m told.
My own experience of it, is that I still need to focus my intention upon inner divine silence, in order to experience it. And when I stop focusing, the veil’s version of my reality returns.
Call it a bone-deep habit.
Think of that old story about the training of baby circus elephants. One leg is chained to a small post, and that baby grows up into a mighty animal that continues to believe a small chain and post can hold it captive.
Similarly, you and I, noble beasts that we are, can easily uproot the chain and walk away. Especially these days.
It’s just that, much like the elephant, we have no idea where we would go, in our sudden bewildering freedom. So we tend to stay with the discomfort of the known.
Well, the known is leaving. Not so slowly, but surely. And not so gracefully either—yet it’s leaving nonetheless.
And now more than ever before, your always-present, true divine nature is calling to you.
Soon enough, you won’t need a pair of unseen hands, to help you marvel at your own magnificent beingness.
This I know.
As reassuring as always. Many, many thanks!
Thank you for sharing this, I find it very helpful 😊