Imagine how amazing your daily life would be if you had clear, easy access to your own divine identity. And imagine how incredible it’d be if everybody else knew the truth of their own divinity, too. Life would be nothing like the way it is now, right?
You’d still have your challenges, and your everyday ups and downs. This is planet earth, after all. But through it all, the shimmering, clear joy of being, would permeate every human interaction, and every luminous facet of your existence. Fear and separation would evaporate like morning dew.
Your knowing of eternal, Capital T Truth would change absolutely everything about your inner life and outer world.
Yet we’re seemingly unable to recognize the divine truth of what we are. We’ve long accepted the situation, but that very acceptance is incredibly tragic. As necessary as air to breathe or water to drink, we need the ability to know our own sacredness, our own incredible infinity. Our own radiant oneness with all that is.
Without it, we don’t know how—or in some cases, even why—to live.
Another careful look at the veil
In the last post, we talked about the nature of the veil. How it throws out constant images to suggest conflict and lack; and even though it’s barely functioning now, in these high frequency times, nevertheless the world still feels so…veiled.
And that, of course, is because we still mistake those legacy images that the veil projects, as fact and truth. And then we ourselves respond to those low-frequency images—which are only ever suggestions, never actual truth—with equally low-frequency actions that make them real and true for us and our world.
But why do we keep on taking the bait over and over? It isn’t just gullibility.
On close examination it seems to me that the veil comes in two illusory parts: Inner and outer. The inner half goes by many names; in previous writings I’ve called it the subterranean self. This individuated inner aspect is tasked with keeping the illusion of separation alive for you or me personally.
In service of this mission, it will offer constant bad advice about absolutely everything. Hence its devotion to, and unquestioning belief in, the suggestive images thrown out by its other half.
There seems to be a potent energetic bond between the inner and outer veil; a grimly persistent tango danced cheek to cheek, to the tune of something that isn’t really music at all.
So it’s actually quite a job to break that energetic bond—or at least it has been, historically.
But as planetary frequencies steadily rise and the energetic power of the veil naturally weakens, our own individual bond with it also weakens and starts to break apart.
If we want it to, of course. You can always dash back down the stairs to the uncomfortable comfort of lower-frequency beliefs and actions. Nobody will stop you (although that descent will only get bumpier as time goes on.) But by and large, with a few thousand horrifying wobbles here and there, most of humanity is heading upward. Each at our own pace.
(To the naked eye this process looks like total chaos. But no matter how it looks, we’re still rising.)
And all around us as we make our ascent, truth—real truth—is starting to reveal itself like never before, becoming ever more tantalizingly accessible for us all.
How sweet the sound
Let’s talk about real truth: In terms of frequency, real truth is not just one single note. It’s a full harmonic, meaning it contains all the eternally true aspects that reside within its sacred bandwidth: Real oneness. Real silence. Real love. Real joy. Real peace. And so much more.
Real infinity, real divinity, spotless purity, safety, sweetness; limitless power, abundance and belongingness…they’re all there, in their incredible radiant perfection, singing your song as one.
And when you’re completely open and resonant to the fullness of that sacred harmonic? Well, I guess that’s another way of describing embodied self-realization.
Me, I’ve only briefly felt that heavenly harmonic once or twice, and even then I couldn’t handle it at anything like full volume. But what I did feel was life-changing. And that’s the sublime bandwidth I’ve tried (inadequately) to describe so many times since: Where all the cells of your own body, mind and field sing of the pristine perfection of all that is…and the world made of fear doesn’t even exist.
Side note, here:
I know I’m overly fond of resorting to metaphor, when trying to describe the indescribable. But when I speak of chords and harmonics and the song of you, that’s no metaphor.
The truth of you is always present, and your song is always being sung, in tones of frequency. Get into proximity with those tones, and your own mind-body-field will start to resonate with them, of their own accord.
And in this resonant revelation of your own radiant identity in oneness, there can be no possibility of doubt about its truthfulness:
In that moment of resonance, you realize that real truth is nothing at all like what passes for truth in this world. The truth simply is. You are it. And you know this beyond all knowing.
In fact, it’s in this encounter with the stunning surety of real truth (which resides in a completely different frequency bandwidth from anything of this world) that one fully realizes just how untrue and unreal the facts are, that we call ‘truth’ in this world. They’re shabby placeholders at best.
And there is simply no bridge between the sanctity of the one eternally true bandwidth, and the grubby debasement of the other.
…Or is there?
Well, there’s no bridge per se. But temporary bridges can indeed open up for us, when we align ourselves to the frequency bandwidth of divine truth. And when that alignment occurs, our minds, bodies and actions in this world can start to carry some of the resonance of real truth, in all its divine potency.
So how does that happen? A few hints point the way.
Hint #1 - devotion+sound frequency+acoustics
True story: Back in the middle ages, a certain rising chord sequence was banned in sacred church music, as being ‘too uplifting’—because it was observed that every time the hymn was sung, listeners would fall into unseemly ecstasies of bliss.
Hmmm. The choir’s wholeheartedly reverent singing of this particular sequence, reverberating, as it did, inside a vaulted stone building…?
It seems likely that this potent combination of sound frequency, pure intention and perfect acoustics, set up a transcendent vibratory environment—a tuning fork, of sorts—in which the congregants experienced some form of direct resonance with the divine truth within.
It was one of those examples where close frequency alignment with divine truth was powerful enough, that it could break through and be felt by ordinary people, here in our much lower-frequency world.
Hint #2 - determination+the bond of love
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s…you and me?
Back in 1982, a woman named Angela Cavallo lifted a ‘62 Chevy Impala off her son Tony, who had become trapped underneath. I remember the incident clearly.
Widely reported on the news at the time, nowadays this story is pronounced an ‘urban legend,’ by the BBC and a few others. Most websites do admit it actually happened, however—but they put the phenomenon down to something they call hysterical strength.*
I call it something else: A temporary bridge to her true limitless potential, brought on by fierce determination to save her child.
In that emergency moment, Angela Cavallo was simply not resonant to the usual disempowering broadcast offered by her inner and outer veil. And because that usual propaganda wasn’t being heard, her body didn’t know or care, that a woman is not supposed to be able to lift a car.
Hint #3 - Courage+pure intention+the vibration of spoken truth
This is the hint that is currently causing bridges to open up all over the place.
Everything about real divine truth is charged with an incredible power of its own. When our words themselves are aligned with divine truth, the vibratory field set up by this alignment can touch the hearts of millions. Ultimately, this vibratory environment can shake the world of untruths, to its very foundations. Without firing a shot.
Enter the world of true nonviolent resistance, which has at its core so much more than nonviolence or resistance.
Gandhi was its poster boy. Martin Luther King was another famous example. In our current world, Vandana Shiva** is one of the best known masters of this divine+worldly powerhouse phenomenon.
I know I said earlier that the facts of this world hold no real truth within them. And that’s correct. Unless, of course, a bridge to eternal truth opens up.
When a person such as one of the above examples, is courageously speaking ‘true facts’ in our low-frequency world, they’re doing it in pure divine alignment with real truth—which means the words they’re speaking are invested with real divine power…even though the words themselves are not, technically speaking, Capital T Truth itself.
Nevertheless, in speaking out on behalf of the sanctity and dignity of all life, they’re indeed opening a temporary bridge to the high-frequency bandwidth of truth. And all Heaven has a tendency to break loose, when that occurs.
(Naturally, this is a phenomenon that those in power always wish to avoid.)
It’s against this backdrop of real divine truth, and real frequency bridges, which have the sacred power to mobilize millions of hearts and minds…that we can now take a look at the enormous amount of organized effort currently being put into suppressing, distorting, and diluting the truth.
All of that concentrated censorship effort starts to make real sense when seen from this true divine context, doesn’t it? Now it becomes clear why they’d bother.
Although everyone talks about ‘free speech’—and I’m totally for free speech, don’t get me wrong—but what those in power are most afraid of is the unpredictability of true speech. Because you never know when one of those transcendent bridges might open up.
And they’re opening up all over the place. More and more, every day.
In my view, it’s for this reason that we see the current war on factual truth. It isn’t just the rewriting of historical events, or the revised definitions of words that no longer mean what they once did. True facts themselves are now being criminalized.
In the US, for example, the telling of accurate, factual truths has been reclassified as a terrorist act, meaning all rules of due process are thrown out the window. If you’re a suspected terrorist, you have no rights; you don’t even need to be charged with anything, to be hustled off to Guantanamo for the rest of your days.
(I don’t mean to pick on the US solely, here. Blatant suppression of truth is a fast growing worldwide trend.)
So you can see the extraordinary courage required these days, to be a determined speaker of true facts. You’re meant to be dissuaded from it at all costs. You’re meant to live in a ‘post-truth’ world, where you lose sight completely of what’s real and true.
It’s because your beautiful truth, in all its forms, is incredibly precious. The truth of you is more valuable than all the gold in the world; more powerful than any army; and safer than any illusory safety found here in the world of separation.
My advice, for what it’s worth? Just say no to a post-truth world.
Hang onto your own unique truth, whatever that looks like for you. (Not everybody is cut out to be a truth teller on the world stage. Do what makes sense in the context of your own life.)
Sing your own song. Speak your own words. Feel your own feelings. And keep in mind the exquisite sanctity of what you really are.
And who knows, a temporary sacred bridge might suddenly open up before you, when you least expect it. Should that exquisite awesomeness happen to occur: Dash across, quick, and go gladly wherever it takes you! You’ll never regret it, come what may.
Because if we can all just hang onto our truth—and our own true divine potential—a very bright future indeed is just over the bridge, and around the next corner, waiting for us all.
*Hysterical strength: I looked it up. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it.
“Hysterical strength refers to a display of extreme physical strength by humans, beyond what is believed to be normal, usually occurring when people are in, or perceive themselves to be in life-or-death situations. It was also reported to be present during situations of altered states of consciousness, such as trance and alleged possession. Its description is mostly based on anecdotal evidence.
The name refers to hysteria, a nosological category that included bouts of superhuman strength as one of the possible symptoms, but in Europe this had also been an attribution in previous cases of alleged demonic possession.”
So there you have it. No actual scientific or medical explanation of where the strength comes from. Just plenty of innuendo about possession by dark forces. And putting the whole phenomenon down to anecdotal evidence—not unlike the BBC.
**For more on the phenomenally powerful life and work of Vandana Shiva, you can rent the excellent documentary film about her, The Seeds of Vandana Shiva. Check it out here.