In the world made of love (which in so many ways, is already here), privacy will be increasingly expressed in decidedly different ways, from anything we’ve experienced up til now, here in the world made of fear.
Nobody actually knows for sure what the full embodied experience will be like, of life in the world made of love, of course…because it’s completely new and unlike anything we’ve encountered before.
But I can weave together strands of educated guesswork from where we’re standing now, to create temporary landmarks and signposts in the wilderness. And then (if it resonates) you and I can head in that general direction together.
I suppose we ought to at least acknowledge the dismal ‘this-world’ privacy situation we currently find ourselves in, as part of our discussion…but mainly to highlight the magnificent reasons underlying it. And to then contrast it with the coming changes.
The following discussion, by the way, takes for granted concepts and information I’ve spoken of in previous newsletters: The right-here-right-now reality of your true divine birthright; the constantly rising planetary frequencies of this epic transitional time, as we leave behind the world made of fear and enter into the great unknown of love itself; and the subsequent rapid dissolution of the so-called ‘veil of forgetfulness’ that has kept humanity cycling in illusion for so long.
Your divine creative identity
As I’ve so often said, you are an unlimited being of infinite creative power. Whether you relate to that description of yourself or not. And no, we’re not talking about the law of attraction. We’re talking about your true beingness. Who and what you are, minus the inner ‘veil’ programming that tells you otherwise.
Even if you, the ordinary you, perhaps feels trapped, or bogged down in your own stuff much of the time, you’ve still undoubtedly experienced moments in your life where your divine creativity stepped in. (But because divine creativity is what you actually are, it usually goes unrecognized and/or unnoticed.)
You unpredictably did something different; or had some kind of epiphany; or encountered a new road and took it. Or felt a sudden rush of forgiveness toward an old grievance. Or you even may have unintentionally set a chain of events in motion, which ended up completely changing your life. For better or worse.
(Nothing says your creative spark always behaves in ways you’ll like. Especially if you’re asleep at the wheel.)
However it happened, positive or negative, your life tangibly changed as a result. And the catalyst for that change, the divine spark unleashed, happened instantly and without warning. And the universe responded…because it can’t do otherwise: You and the universe are one.
The point of all this, is to say that you are infinitely unpredictable. When you shift, stuff happens.
When you awaken into your true divine identity (as but one brilliant example of this phenomenon), that transformation happens in a single eyeblink: One moment you’re still the you you’ve always known…and the next…well, the universe itself is suddenly, unexpectedly walking around as you.
Or in another slightly more commonplace example, a millisecond of fire in the belly brings you profound freedom from longstanding patterns of emotional baggage. Just like that.
But not only that. In that same brief flareup of the sacred spark, worlds change without warning. Timelines shift. Physical matter is created or falls away, people appear or disappear from your life, in response to your awesomely powerful divine creativity.
And all of this is the reason why those who have a vested interest in the world made of fear, need to rid you of your privacy.
Brilliantly clever though they are, extremely well funded though they are, it’s a sad and clunky game of catch up that they’re playing now. Because as planetary frequencies continue to rise, humanity’s divine creativity is starting to fire all over the place—and it’s impossible to predict when or where or how.
And the more we collectively and individually spark into the growing awareness of our own truth, (or even just the sudden volatility of that sacred belly fire), the faster the fear-based world automatically crumbles into dust.
Because its time is over. The world made of love is irrepressibly welling up everywhere, despite all efforts to contain it.
So it’s quite an urgent thing for them, bless their hearts. They’re battling the inexorable movement of the universe itself, which isn’t battling back…it’s just getting on with its mysteriously miraculous business, in this great turning of the age.
Their first partial solution to the problem of our divine unpredictability, has been to rob us of our individual privacy (which they’ve been at for quite some time), monitoring and cataloguing everything we type, say out loud or do, online and off.
The upgraded version of this, already being rolled out as we speak, is to persuade us to accept chips or whatnot into our own bodies—AI interfaces that can monitor us from the inside out.
Hoping to catch us in the act of divine creativity before it actually occurs. Good luck with that.
(The ultimate AI-enhanced solution, coming soon to a dystopia near you, is to erase our access to that divine creative spark entirely. But that’s a different topic.)
So in light of the way privacy has been systematically stripped from us for control-based purposes…? Restoration of our personal privacy—the healthy, freedom-based kind—will certainly occur as we move farther out of this fear-based paradigm, and into the world made of love.
We’ll once again live without surveillance, without the threat of censorship, or the restriction of movement. Privacy, in the sense of simply being able to live as we each see fit.
But what about oneness?
Here’s where the discussion gets really interesting. In some ways, there will be no such thing as privacy, in the world made of love. At least, not the kind of privacy we’ve ever known.
Because, think about it. Feel into that collective human desire for privacy, as we currently know it: It’s mostly all about hiding secrets, isn’t it? Things we’re ashamed of. Thing we’d rather nobody else knew about us. Vulnerable things. Or shitty things we think about ourselves or others, that we wouldn’t dream of saying out loud.
Things that simply feel more comfortable lurking in the shadows.
I mean, would you want to hang out with Superman, knowing that he has X-ray vision? That he can see right through to your skeleton—not to mention the skeletons in your closet?
Yeah. That.
As our veil-addled minds imagine such a Marvel comics scenario, the light of X-ray exposure feels harsh and unloving. Doesn’t it? Nowhere to hide. When actually, the light of love (which is what we’re really talking about here) embodies qualities that are the exact opposite of that: Joyous unconditionality. Wisdom and compassion. Come as you are—all are welcome here.
So as humanity moves into oneness, all of the impulses behind our current desire for privacy, will gradually soften and release—because they’re all veil-inspired. And as they do, our natural affinity for the light will replace our attraction to the dim shadows: Nowhere to hide, coinciding with no desire to hide.
All of which allows shame, and fear of others’ judgment, to eventually evaporate like morning dew in sunshine.
So…in oneness, will everybody be able to read your mind and stuff?
Sort of, yes. Because we’re all one. Actually, when you think about it, the slow evolutionary movement toward well-lit oneness has already been going on for quite some time.
It would be hard to pin down accurate numbers, but it seems there are a great many more people nowadays who are somewhat empathic (directly feeling the feelings of others) or somewhat psychic (receiving spontaneous intel about others), than there were, say, a generation ago.
So yeah. We’ll all be much more connected in oneness, than we’ve ever been, in separation.
But it’s not nearly as freaky as it may seem. In order to know yourself in oneness with all that is, you’re completely beyond the veil’s influence. (The veil can’t come with you into that higher frequency bandwidth.) So you know yourself and all others, as beings of divine love. And that’s a sacred joy of shared communion.
So you’re going to naturally respect the space of others, meaning you’re not going to violate their energy field, or go probing for information that hasn’t been volunteered. You’re not going to bust into their house without knocking, so to speak. It’s a very definite form of privacy, one based in mutual love and deepest respect.
Love and sacredness are always at the core of any interaction.
In oneness, your heart and gut brain take precedence over your mind—and that’s a good thing. The heart and gut are incapable of lying. It’s only the mind, vulnerable as it is to the distortions of the veil, that can twist everything you see before you, into a world of separate enemies to be conquered.
(Yes, the mind, once cleaned up, still has a place in oneness. It just won’t be able to steer the ship anymore.)
When the heart and gut are in charge, you know yourself as love, and you fluidly follow your divine intuition (your gut sense) as you move through your day. In the world made of love, everybody else knows and conducts themselves similarly.
When you happen to gain spontaneous insight into another person’s psyche (which will occur from time to time), you’ll see it with the heart’s wisdom and compassion. You’ll feel their circumstance with your own body awareness. The mind isn’t hugely involved in any of it. And as I said earlier, the old veil-inspired version of the mind is nowhere to be found anyway.
Which means nobody is around to judge, nobody gossips. Nobody badmouths. Nobody uses information about you to improper advantage.
You might still get embarrassed now and then. You might slip on a banana peel and wish nobody had seen you fall. But that’s life, isn’t it. By and large, your life will play out on a sunlit stage, and everybody including you will be happy and grateful about that.
At which point you’ll be delighted to hang out with Superman. Because in truth? No Clark Kent secrets here: Superman is what you are.
WOW yes I've been pondering this exact question and you addressed every aspect of that so beautifully – thank you! Privacy is never a problem or a necessity if there weren't fear or separation 🌈✨