Love in a Loveless world
Learning to recognize (and flow with) Love, in all the ways it shows up in these epic times
Hey, my friend.
For ages, I’ve been wanting to write to you about Love—about how and why it manifests as it does—in this current world and in our current era. Some of us are undoubtedly already aware of what I’m going to talk about, but others undoubtedly aren’t. Either way, it’s such an important topic. Please bear with me.
All of us know (or at least have a good idea about) Love’s unmistakable characteristics, when it’s free to pour its unstoppable divinity into our world. Right?
Endless soft sweetness. Infinite compassion. Pristine sacred radiance. Timeless joy and ineffable peace. Not to mention freeflowing limitless abundance, pure unconditionality and the like. All the good stuff.
But Love is so much more than this. And the ‘so much more than this’ bit, is what I’ve wanted to write about.
So. First, a little background/refresher for us all:
Divine Love is the only reality in our universe, and the only true power. The only real truth, full stop. Consequently, all things and all beings native to this universe, are made entirely out of Love. Whether any of us are in touch with that incontrovertible fact about our own identity, or not.
Therefore, it’s an accurate statement to say: Love sees only Love.
Because Love only deals in what’s true. Physical and non-physical, seen and unseen—to Love, it’s all Love. And are you gonna argue with Love?
Well actually, yeah. That’s pretty much all we do. Argue with Love. Insist that we ourselves, or that guy down the road, or the jerk who got himself elected, or the jerk who didn’t…are NOT made of Love.
Which instantly cuts off our ability to experience Love in our own lives. It’s a frequency thing: To slosh around in the world of fear and lack, pointing judgmental fingers at self or other, is a low-frequency activity. Denying mercy to self or other is a low-frequency activity. So Love—which flows at an extremely high frequency—is blocked out automatically. Because in a low-frequency environment, high frequencies can’t exist. And vice versa.
And so, lacking firsthand experience of Love’s presence in our lives (despite the fact that it’s always right here, and always what we ourselves and everything else is made of) we create—or allow others to create—huge societal structures that uphold lack and fear, and every undesirable thing that comes from that.
So that’s what we’ve been dealing with in this world for a very long time. Lack, fear, and very little mercy. And Love has been more or less shut out of this realm.
But the planet’s frequencies have been rising naturally for awhile now, and ours have been rising right along with it. Rising frequencies equal rising consciousness. And the upshot is, Love now has a growing foothold in this world.
So…okay then, what happens, when the one reality, the one truth, the only true power that is Love, meets rigid societal structures constructed out of Not-Love?
Uh…yeah. This is what I’ve wanted to talk with you about.
For years I’ve hesitated to speak what I know from personal experience, about how Love can sometimes show up in this world. Because I didn’t want to harsh anyone’s buzz. I didn’t want to be the one who intrudes on the sweet idea that Love is always comforting and comfortable.
The truth is, that sometimes…when it’s absolutely required…Love bloody well isn’t either of those things.
Love is not blind
It’s not that Love doesn’t recognize what it’s looking at, when it sees only Love. Love is infinitely intelligent and infinitely wise, after all.
It’s more that Love knows the underlying truth of whatever is in its presence. So Love’s presence, which is the presence of what’s real and true and infinitely powerful, more or less turns the illusory foundations of anything built upon untruth, to dust. Just by its own nature of being.
This is an immensely compassionate setup, by the way.
Which brings us to the ever-crazier time period we find ourselves in. Much of the escalating chaos we see is being caused by those who quite enjoy the world made of fear, and who don’t want to let it go just yet. No surprise, and nothing new there.
But some of the current upheaval is Love’s doing.
And I suppose if you were to zoom out and look at our current world from a macro perspective, you might say that every bit of the chaos is being caused by Love’s presence in our world. From this broader vantage point, it becomes clear that these fear-based fellows are unconsciously doing the demolition work that Love inspires, in order to free up space for a radiant new, and much more truth-based, expression of Life and Love and Joy and Beauty on this planet.
(Which is yet another reason why it’s pretty pointless to regard certain politicians or captains of industry as our enemies. Ultimately they’re all performing Love’s work at the moment, whether they mean to do so or not.)
And this is the real reason I’m talking about all of this stuff now.
The US election (and the media hoopla surrounding it) seems to have exponentially heightened the fear, at home and abroad. So I put myself into the shoes of others, and asked myself: Would I rather hold a comforting but partial picture of what Love’s influence is like, in troubled times like these…and then keep waking up at 3AM in fear about all the crazy events seemingly unrelated to Love, that are occurring in the world all around me?
Or…would I rather have a fuller and more nuanced understanding of Love’s catalytic influence in the world (when it’s in the presence of that which is untrue)…thereby giving me useful context for what is happening in the world right now?
If it were me, I’d rather have the better foundation of understanding that comes from a fuller recognition of what Love is, and how it behaves in this world. ( But maybe that’s just me. If that’s not the conclusion you come to, too, I apologize for supplying too much information.)
My own brush with Love
As I said earlier, I know what Love’s catalytic influence is like, from a personal standpoint. The process is the same, whether it’s an individual (me) whose painful belief structures are grounded in falsehood—or those of a world society:
Love enters the scene, sees only itself, and then the underlying structures of falsity begin to fall apart in highly inconvenient ways.
To be fair, I asked for it. (And to be fair, I had no fricken idea what the answered prayer would actually be like. We hardly ever do, right?)
I’ll spare you most of the gory details.
A dozen or so years ago, I met an extraordinarily strange and luminous young person. Unlike most of us muggles, who promptly forget our own true divine nature the moment we take on a body and enter human existence…she never fell asleep while making her transition from the timeless divine, into the birthing process of this earthbound world.
Consequently she has always known oneness. She has always been surrendered wholly into Love, content to humbly and quietly do Love’s bidding—not always a fun job—here on earth as her fulltime occupation.
We became friends, she and I. At a certain point, in response to my more or less constant desire to know the truth of my own being (and everybody else’s)…Love directed this young woman to set off a highly targeted series of depth charges underneath the illusory foundations upon which I’d built my life and world. The wreckage was not pretty.
It hurt. A lot. For a very long time.
Was Love being sadistically cruel, in catalyzing these events?
SO totally not. SO the extreme opposite of cruelty.
I knew at the time this was an absolutely necessary act of divine compassion. I knew these pockets of hitherto unsuspected (and well defended) darkness had to be lifted into the divine light of day for transmutation. I knew true spiritual freedom would be impossible without it.
I knew all of this, and it was agony anyway. Such is the human tendency to cling to painful yet familiar illusion, rather than opening up to the great unknown.
But as always, Love knew best.
Eventually I stopped hating and blaming her, the human emissary seemingly responsible for it all. (And Love was free to act as its gloriously joyous divine self, when she and I got together for a visit a few years later.)
Eventually I began to allow the divinely alchemical process of letting myself be slowly reconstructed from the inside out, on a deeper, truer foundation. Still a work in progress, by the way.
Bottom line: Eventually I became more grateful than words can express, for that sacred (yet seemingly profane) intervention.
So. Scale up what I experienced back then, to a global level. Love’s mercy knows no limits. And everything that upholds fear will see some radical changes from the inside out. That’s not a prediction, that’s just a simple fact. Because Love, through its very presence, transmutes everything that is unlike itself.
It’s what collective humanity has asked for, and boy howdy, that’s a prayer that’s being answered.
Note to selves…must start learning to read the fine print.
Flowing with the transition
So is there a way to minimize the undesirable side effects of Love’s entry into this realm? And how do we experience more of the good stuff more often, in these times? Y’know, the joy, the peace, and all those other nicer aspects of Love’s presence in the world?
There are certainly things we can do to A) make the dissolution process more filled with ease and grace, and B) flow in closer alignment with the way Love flows—thereby enjoying more of what we classically think of as the good stuff.
It all comes down to teaching ourselves how to be, think and act a bit more like Love would, in any given moment…so we don’t completely block out the flow.
Sandra Walter, one of the wayshowers I admire, refers to this form of navigational flow as ‘having a prepared heart.’ A prepared heart, in her terminology, is a heart that stays open unconditionally, no matter what is happening all around us. (She teaches mastery level courses on this topic, if you’re interested. From what I can tell, the curriculum sounds pretty badass, requiring forgiveness and gratitude for absolutely everything and everyone—no exceptions. Which makes sense, at least in principle, since everything and everybody native to this universe really IS of the divine.)
Sandra also cautions us ‘not to watch it burn.’ In other words, to accept that Love is doing what it needs to do, in these momentous times of change, no matter how crazy or outrageous it looks to the untrained eye; keeping in mind the massive and ultimately very beautiful transition that’s unfolding before us…without getting too caught up in the distressing details at ground level.
To sum up: These are truly epic times. We are living through the oft foretold era where Love finally blossoms on the earth, and in the hearts and minds of all who call this planet home. What an incredible joy to witness—and maybe even to help hold space for—this sacred rebirth.
Is this process fun? Sometimes.
Even a heart like mine (which is only kinda slightly prepared) will increasingly encounter moments of Love’s sublimely radiant essence; in fact, we can all look forward to being showered with unforgettable glimpses of ineffable peace, equanimity and joy…and yes, just plain delightful fun, as Love takes up residence more and more on this planet.
And the rest of the time?
Let’s just do our best to not watch it burn.
Absolutely brilliant and in line with what I’m currently reading and practicing in ACIM. I love your news letters, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. Ed x