Divine love and physics (quantum and meta)
Or: How and when is the world made of love gonna show up, already?
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably pretty bored by now with the hell-in-a-handbasket nature of these messy transitional times. We’ve all been promised an incredible new way of being, a world of divine truth and radiant beauty. Yet here we are, seemingly mired ever more deeply in this world made of fear.
So when is that amazing new world of oneness and love gonna arrive? you might be asking. Or is it all just wishful thinking?
Looking around our world, at the same-old-same-old, hair-on-fire, crisis du jour type of business as usual, it’s easy to wonder if the world made of love is nothing but a feel-good fantasy. A happy-clappy spiritual fairytale, meant to help us endure these dark stormy nights of our actual, doom-laden existence.
When it comes right down to it, this business of heaven on earth is probably way too good to be true.
Hasn’t that thought crossed your mind sometimes?
Some days I kinda wonder about all of those same things myself. But only on some days.
Because I know that the world made of love is 100% definitely, concretely, already here. Gimme a stack of bibles on which to swear to it. If bibles are your thing.
The tricky bit, is that each of us has to teach our own self how to align and harmonize with divine truth--the action of which pulls tangible physical expression of radiant divinity into this reality. (More on that in a minute.)
It’s a chicken and egg thing. Or a catch-22 thing. We have to align with divine truth before the tangible experience of it can show up in our own life. That’s right. Our alignment [with a truth that’s entirely beyond this world, which we may, or may not, yet have any personal experience of] is the catalyst that allows divinity to express itself in this realm. Where we will be able to freely experience it. After we’ve already harmonized with it.
Like I said: Tricky. But well worth the effort.
Anyway, when there are enough of us aligning and harmonizing on a regular basis, this is ultimately what helps to anchor heaven here on earth. Not only anchoring it, but giving it serious real estate, with plenty of room to gather its divine momentum—which can then expand all over the world. For everybody.
Divine neutrality and dimensional timelines
It’s comforting to imagine that divine love is unfailingly soft and cuddly, wrapping us up in angel feathers every time we fall down and scrape our knee. And yeah, that’s definitely one aspect of divine love, but it ain’t the only one.
An incredible loving intelligence has designed this universe and all of life itself. But in the great divine mystery of this design, life is allowed free rein to express itself however it wants to. Which means that we, divine beings of extraordinary creative power, are free to create as we choose. Divine love holds zero attachment to what kind of creating we do.
And there’s the rub.
Because (for better and worse), external reality is an incredibly malleable playground, providing accurate, moment-by-moment reflections of our own inner being.
On the plus side? We can choose to energetically align with heaven—by remembering the shared divinity of all beings; by refusing to judge and condemn others—which instantly and seamlessly shifts our own immediate timeline into a higher, more beautiful one. A dimensional timeline that is a better frequency match for this sacred choice to remember heaven.
Here’s a pertinent example of this ‘alignment and timeline-shifting’ phenomenon from my own life. It’s the cauliflower story. I’ve spoken about it before:
Several years ago, as a newbie gardener, I’d been trying (and failing) to eradicate the multiple kinds of bugs severely infesting my cauliflower patch...until one day I spontaneously stopped dead, there in the middle of the garden, sprayer still in my hand.
And instead, I chose to remember that ALL beings, including slimy, caterpillary, aphidy, leaf-hoppery beings, were sacred and holy. I remembered they were one with me. I felt their innocence and beauty radiating throughout my own energy field, mind and body.
So powerful. Such a gift, to experience that shared holiness, while holding no agenda whatsoever. Oneness for its own sake.
When I resumed my cauliflower inspections, moving to the next plant in the line, I saw that these plants were now nearly free of bugs. All of the cauliflowers were, in fact, nearly free of bugs. Even the severely infested plants I’d already inspected a minute earlier.
Hundreds, if not thousands of bugs, had simply vanished. Just like that.
I had seamlessly entered a new, higher frequency timeline--one in which my cauliflower plants were strong and robust enough to ward off serious infestation--because I’d made the choice to align with heaven.
I’d made the choice to ‘think like heaven thinks.’ Or perhaps, to ‘know as heaven knows.’
I later discovered, incidentally, that my tomato plants had also responded in a similarly higher way: The same tomato plants as before, were now mysteriously laden with more than double the number of beautiful ripe tomatoes than had existed previously.
It’s a reasonably clear example of how easily and instantly our tangible physical reality can shape-shift, as a new timeline seamlessly inserts itself.
It’s happening all the time. Your own experience of yourself is one of continuity, even as a timeline reality rearranges itself. (Which is probably why we tend not to notice.) That your experience of yourself is continuous and unbroken with nary a blip, despite your epic rearrangement and re-creation of your personal self and universe, is one of those inexplicable divine mysteries of existence.
But like I said earlier, universal love is entirely neutral. We’re also free to create in less beautiful ways, which, in our current world, we’re always being invited to do. The mechanics of it are exactly the same. We are seductively invited, from within and without, to forget oneness. To attack and condemn ourself and others. Each time we do it, we pull a lower frequency timeline out of its latent potential state, and into tangible physical form.
We are the ones, in other words, who are ultimately responsible for creating that hellish handbasket.
That we’re being herded, pushed, manipulated into doing so…? Sure, yes. Very true. But at the end of the day, despite all that extra unwanted interference from within and without, we ourselves are nevertheless still responsible for our own creations.
And there you have it. Universal divine love: Neutral as hell. And we all therefore reap as we sow, bless our beautiful, fallible human hearts.
Universal and local
The world made of love is fully, completely, dazzlingly here. Loads of us get transcendent glimpses of it, every time we choose to briefly turn our backs on the world of separation consciousness, and instead remember the universal truth of existence.
A few are living its magnificent radiance fulltime, permanently anchoring heaven on earth...but they’re only doing it in their immediate sphere of influence. Because that’s how it works.
These days, you don’t get one lone figure, no matter how special or gifted, no matter how good he or she looks in their floaty white robes. It’s not gonna be one solo being who rises up and saves the whole world, while the rest of us kick back and watch disturbing tv news.
Because heaven on earth can only occur, as all beings come to know who and what they really are in truth.
One or two or fifty extraordinary figures might pave the way forward. But then it’s still up to each one of us to align with heaven, by choosing to align our minds, hearts and daily actions with divine truth. Over and over again, until that becomes our predominant habit. This is what pulls heaven’s higher frequency timelines into our own daily local environment. This is what brings the juice. And the love. And the healthy cauliflowers and the abundant ripe tomatoes. Or whatever it happens to be.
What it really brings, in truth, is the end of that agonizing poison splinter of separation consciousness, that’s lodged in each of our minds and hearts. Honestly, whatever goodies show up on top of that, are just cake.
Anyway, when enough of us are choosing to align with heaven in this way, it tips the balance toward a permanently anchored world made of love. A world where divine truth is upheld by all; where oneness is a self-evident no-brainer; and where the earth itself and all its inhabitants (even the slimy caterpillary ones) are held as sacred. A world where our societies are structured around this wisdom of the heart, and all beings are free to live in peace.
The world made of love is not, as I’ve said so many times, a fantasy world of unicorns and rainbows. No disrespect to unicorns and rainbows, but what’s being born during these momentous times, is simply a world where divine truth is the underlying architecture upon which our civilization is rebuilt.
How many conscious choosers does it take to screw in a lightbulb of divine radiance? Well the good news, of course, is that divine love is infinitely more powerful than anything attempting to oppose it. So the actual number of consciously aligned humans needed, to reach that tipping point on behalf of the entire world? It ain’t all that many. Comparatively speaking. Certainly nowhere near the 51% (picture a teeter-totter in action) that ‘real world’ physics would predict as being necessary.
Heaven on earth is characterized by an endless flow of miracles. Its power is exponential, unlimited and joyously unpredictable in its non-linear expression. The stodgy laws of Newtonian physics simply don’t apply.
So. It’s each one of us, choosing to align our hearts and minds, as best we can, with divine truth. That’s the ‘how’ of the world made of love, not only showing up, but permanently anchoring heaven to earth.
As for the ‘when’?
Well that’s down to you and me.
Wow. I have had similar types of timeline shifts just like this. 💓
Let the sun shine in… (1969!)